Facebook Dark Mode Spotted by Users

Two months back, a Reddit user posted a screenshot in which we got to see Facebook’s dark mode implementation on his Android smartphone and how it looked. Furthermore, he also explained that the feature appeared briefly and disappeared later on. He also said that it was not a forced dark mode implementation. Other than that, two other users have also shared Facebook’s dark mode on their Twitter handles. Which indicates that soon will experience the official release of the feature. It is important to note that the dark mode for Facebook has only been spotted in the Android devices or phones and none of them were iOS devices. Other than that, Facebook is also testing a new amazing feature which is very similar to Instagram’s Close Friends. With this new feature, Facebook users will be able to share their personal stories with only those people who are added in the Favorites list. With the help of this new feature Facebook wants to create a platform that will facilitate the users to select their favorite one in the list. Recommended Reading: Facebook Tests Facial Recognition App for Employees