National Education TV Channel will Deliver Education to Children in this Situation of the Country

The Ministry’ spokesperson aid that it was decided that to mitigate academic loses due to closure of education over the country, the ministry would launch a National TV channel (in collaboration with PTV) dedicated for delivery of education. It was agreed that the content will be developed in partnership with various education service providers free of cost, for which interest has been solicited. Federal Directorate of Education (FDE) will establish emergency learning carters, where subject specialists will review and schedule the content. The minister will review the progress on daily basis and it is expected that the channel will start broadcasting in the 1st half of April. Briefing in this regard will also be given to all provinces in the education ministers’ conference on 26th March. The Minister has also acknowledged the efforts of all officials / staff engaged in the process. Also Read: Aamer Manzoor Appointed as PTV Managing Director