Tweeter had announced in 2020 that it is need of the time that all high quality Bot accounts need to make themselves clear for other users that they are automatic and not being run by any other user.  The company has been testing on the Label since September. It wanted to introduce a label that people can use and add on their account to show others that their account is automatic. Now they are rolling out the new GoodBots automatics Label so that people can know that the tweets from the Bot account are automatic.

Twitter Bot Accounts introduces an Automated Label

The Bot accounts are used for the weather broadcast updates, breaking news and emoji mashups. Twitter says with this new label the purpose is to bring more transparency and to build more trust among the users. For this whole purpose to be attained, they needed that certain Bots state that they are automatic with the name of the person who is behind them. So a post came from Tweeter Safety saying that they are celebrating GoodBots who want to bring a positive contribution to Tweeter and also a positive impact in the whole world. So in the video, the Bots are celebrating and putting a Label that says “Automated Account” by the person who is behind it. Users are liking the new Label concept so far. Let’s see how things will make their shape in the future for Tweeter. Also Read: Twitter Expands its anti-harassment Safety Mode to More Anglo-American users