Google Assistant cameo, John Legend’s voice was debuted in April 2019. He was the first celebrity who lend his voice virtually to all devices throughout the world. His voice was a huge hit due to the calm tone however the company had specified that this option will be short lived.

We will not be able to Hear Google Assistant Cameo After March 23

Now Google has announced that this voice will be gone forever on March 23. It means after just few months, a celebrity voice will be gone. Though we forgot it but its a good reminder that these cameos are nor permanent. The second celebrity voice that company had debuted was actress and producer Issa Rae. This voice came to us in October. Her voice is still available but as good specified it is also temporary so we can expect to loose it in a span of six months. Though many of you would not be happy to know this but lets not forget that company will keep on brining such celebrity voices for us and the app will wok exactly the same it used to work before. Also Read: Google Assistant Can now Read Web Articles in 42 Languages