Loop individual video chapters In the old version, the users were able to share each video with other people. In the new update, the new Loop button has been provided to loop the individual video chapters and can also share the chapter with friends and family. You just have to click the Loop button which is available in the Chapter menu. YouTube was testing the feature in January and finally, an Android Police reader spotted the feature. The feature has been rolled out for both mobile and desktop platforms so it means that the company has launched a server-side update. It is slowly and gradually making the feature available to all the users. The users must activate the feature to get benefits from the technology. How to use the loop Button: For that, the user must go to the menu where he can go through the Chapters and get a repeat logo with arrows. If he hits the loop button while watching a Chapter, it will automatically loop back to the beginning when it ends. Many times the users end up in a different Chapter and want to loop the previous one, then he has to press the button on the other chapter. This clicking will then repeat the chapter individually until the button has been repressed again. The feature is good and quite helpful for those who want to listen and amuse themselves by listening to the same Chapter. Let’s see when you will get lucky in grabbing one. Also Read: YouTube Music launches shuffle control and offline mix tape access – PhoneWorld